Subject: [[chef-dev]] Chef 0.9.14 Release Candidate 1
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 15:57:54 -0800
Hey Chefs! We have a release candidate for 0.9.14 up on
for your testing. We will have our usual extensive release notes when
the official release comes out, but I've attached a list of the bugs
that have been fixed since 0.9.12 below. Please take some time to run
this release against some of your cookbooks and let us now if you find
any regressions. Work on 0.10 is continuing in parallel and we should
have something for you to look at there soon. Those interested can
keep an eye on the master branch in the interim.
Thanks everyone, we're excited to get this release out. Because it is
a release candidate you will need to use "gem install chef --pre" to
install it.