Hey Tom, You're explanation of the use case is a bit general that makes it hard to give specific advice. Do you have a specific community recipe your are interested in using in that manner, or your own? During the same run, the same recipe will only be run once, but each run could have different inputs to tweak things as needed. You could use databags or node attributes. I've got a 'similar' use case I've done for running multiple ruby active messaging pollers. I'm using the monit cookbook with the monitrc LWRP so in hopes that it provides inspiration I put some snippets below: In my recipe: monitrc "pollers", {:processor_groups => node[:processor_groups], :app_dir => "#{node[:channels][(node[:channels][:app_name])][:current_path]}", :rails_env => node[:channels][:environment], :alert_email => node[:monit][:notify_email]} the erb template used: <% @processor_groups.keys.each do |group| %> <% (
:num_pollers]).each do |i| %> <% poller_group_name = group.sub('group', '') %> CHECK PROCESS <%= poller_group_name %>poller<%= i %> WITH PIDFILE <%= File.join(@app_dir, "tmp", "pids", "#{poller_group_name}poller#{i}.pid") %> EVERY 5 CYCLES START PROGRAM = "/bin/su - channels -c 'cd <%= @app_dir %> ; RAILS_ENV=<%= @rails_env %> bundle exec <%= @app_dir %>/script/poller <%=i%> start -- process-group=<%= group %>'" WITH TIMEOUT 300 seconds STOP PROGRAM = "/bin/su - channels -c 'cd <%= @app_dir %> ; RAILS_ENV=<%= @rails_env %> bundle exec <%= @app_dir %>/script/poller <%=i%> stop -- process-group=<%= group %>'" GROUP <%= group %> GROUP messagebus IF TOTALMEMORY > 250 MB FOR 10 CYCLES THEN restart #IF 3 RESTARTS WITHIN 5 CYCLES THEN timeout ALERT <%= @alert_email %> NOT {action, exec, nonexist, pid, ppid, resource} <% end %> <% end %> example of the node attributes: :processor_groups => { :affiliate_agent_group => { :num_pollers => 1 }, :introspect_video_group => { :num_pollers => 1 }, :publisher_agent_group => { :num_pollers => 1 }, :show_agent_group => { :num_pollers => 2 }, :transcode_group => { :num_pollers => 1}, :update_rss_feed_group => { :num_pollers => 1 }, :video_available_group => { :num_pollers => 1 } } On Oct 18, 2011, at 9:37 AM, Tom Duckering wrote: Hi, |
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