application "zmx_app" do
path "/srv/zmx"
owner 'nobody'
group 'nogroup'
repository '
deploy_key "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ...etc... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" # note embedded newlines
if node.chef_environment=='production'
revision '2.26'
action :deploy
revision 'master'
action :force_deploy
db = "zmx_#{node.chef_environment}"
rails do
gems ['bundler']
precompile_assets true
database do
reconnect true
encoding 'utf8'
username '...'
adapter 'mysql2'
password '...'
database db
database_master_role "zmx_database_master"
passenger_apache2 do
There might well be better ways to do it; I migrated up from the old cookbook. My apache/passenger config is really done in other recipes; one of these days I'll take care of that and probably migrate to unicorn, nginx, etc.
Don't know what you're using for database. I had to wrestle mightily with the mysql (and database?) cookbooks to get a working set of cookbooks+recipes that would come up from scratch on AWS... I'm not even convinced I've actually got that, yet, but needed to move on and get stuff done.
On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Wes Morgan
" target="_blank">
> wrote:
I'm trying to deploy a Rails app using the new application cookbook. According to the README, I'm supposed to declare a dependency on the application_rails cookbook in the metadata.rb, but that doesn't seem to exist. Earlier in the README, application_ruby is mentioned, so I switched it to that. Do we need a documentation fix there?
Anyway, I can't quite figure out how the rails-y portion of the cookbook is supposed to be invoked. Just declaring a "depends" line in metadata.rb doesn't actually run anything, does it?
I see in the examples that there is a rails do ... end block in the application's block. Is that what triggers it?
Does anyone have a working example of deploying a Rails app w/ the new application cookbook?