Ohai, chefs!
I am trying to write a LWRP that "wraps" the Opscode deploy_revision Provider to add some organization-specific functionality. The LWRP sets some organization-wide defaults, defines some supporting Chef Resources, and then defines the usual Opscode deploy_revision Resource. Many of the attributes for my LWRP simply pass their values through to the deploy_revision Resource, exactly as one would expect:
deploy_revision app_name do
revision new_resource.revision
repository new_resource.repository
migration_command new_resource.migration_command
enable_submodules new_resource.enable_submodules
…[and so on]
This works fine for simple value attributes like those listed above, but does not seem to work for the block attributes: before_migrate, after_symlink, etc. Using the same syntax (a regular "do…end" statement passed as an argument to the LWRP's before_migrate method) just yields a value of nil for "new_resource.before_migrate".
Is there a way to pass blocks to an LWRP, and then pass them onto deploy_revision so that the blocks get invoked in the same context (i.e. "releases_dir")? How would you handle this situation?
Thanks in advance,
- benton
Benton Roberts
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