[chef] Postgres user/database/permission LWRPs

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Peter Donald < >
  • To: Chef Mailing List < >
  • Subject: [chef] Postgres user/database/permission LWRPs
  • Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 16:38:19 +1100


I had a look at the database cookbook for the first time today and found it was not an approach I felt comfortable with. 

All I wanted to do was create a user, a database and grant some permissions for user on database. And I was only really concerned with postgres. However the cookbook had several mandatory dependencies and seemingly tried to add an abstraction across multiple databases and forced a whole bunch of activity during the compile phase rather than in the converge phase. So I basically rewrote them using the CLI tool rather than relying on a library. 

The LWRPs usage looks something like the following (as extracted from [1]). 

I am also looking to add an attribtue_driven recipe on top of this in the future. Is this something other people are interested in?

psql_user "myuser" do
  host node['fqdn']
  port node['postgresql']['config']['port']
  admin_username 'postgres'
  admin_password node['postgresql']['password']['postgres']
  password 'secret'

psql_database "mydatabase" do
  host node['fqdn']
  port node['postgresql']['config']['port']
  admin_username 'postgres'
  admin_password node['postgresql']['password']['postgres']
  owner 'myuser'
  template 'template_postgis'
  encoding 'DEFAULT'
  tablespace 'MyTablespace'
  collation 'fr_FR'
  connection_limit -1

psql_permission "
  => all" do
  host node['fqdn']
  port node['postgresql']['config']['port']
  admin_username 'postgres'
  admin_password node['postgresql']['password']['postgres']
  username 'myuser'
  database 'mydatabase'
  permissions ['ALL']

[1] https://github.com/realityforge/chef-psql#usage


Peter Donald

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