Hi Mark,
thanks for proposal. I looked at your cookbook and it seems it just
deletes files based on some criteria. Unfortunately it doesn't quite
suites my needs since I really want regular log rotation.
Thanks nevertheless,
On 12/18/2012 04:25 PM, Mark Pimentel
Have a look at the janitor cookbook. It aims to be
fairly platform agnostic and may work in this scenario.
(Disclaimer: I am the author, but I still do think it could be
used and updated to support such a function)
On Dec 18, 2012 7:20 PM, "Brad Knowles"
On Dec 18, 2012, at 3:57 PM, Kirill Timofeev <
> I cloned chef-client cookbook from https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/chef-client.
It looks like this cookbook doesn't setup logrotate for
chef-client. May I ask you if this was done intentionally or
this is a bug?
I don't work for Opscode, so I can't give you a definitive
First off, keep in mind that the cookbooks provided via github
are not the official sources of the cookbooks as far as
community is concerned. That's where they do development of
the cookbooks, but (unless specified otherwise) they only
officially support the versions as uploaded to <http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks>.
Secondly, the cookbooks they provide are intended to be a
starting point, to give you ideas of how things could be done.
They are not generally intended to be all-encompassing.
Third, my view is that they try fairly hard to be OS-agnostic,
and a cookbook like logrotate is going to necessarily have to
be fairly OS-specific in the way it is implemented -- FreeBSD
won't necessarily work anything like Ubuntu, Ubuntu won't
necessarily work anything like Red Hat, none of them will work
anything remotely like Windows or OS X, etc....
> If this was done intentionally should I just use
logrotate cookbook (https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/logrotate)
and add logrotate recipe to chef-client with following
It's been a while since I looked at that cookbook and how it
did things, but what you suggest does seem plausible.
> From my point of view it is very reasonable to have
logrotate enabled out of the box for chef-client.
There are a lot of platforms that Opscode tries to support,
which means that there's a lot of stuff they don't try to
provide out-of-the-box, if that might only be useful on a
certain subset of the platforms. If you want to contribute
code to implement certain features for certain platforms, I'm
sure that they'd be happy to look at your pull request, but
that doesn't necessarily mean that they would necessarily
agree to accept it.
I believe it's also a good idea to generally make cookbooks
fairly independent of each other, in particular when you're
talking about foundational cookbooks on which everything else
might be built.
Brad Knowles <
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>