- From: Sachin Sagar Rai <
- To: "
" <
- Subject: [chef] phpmyadmin chef-php pear mysql fail
- Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 14:02:44 +0545
I'm trying to install phpmyadmin using the http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks/phpmyadmin cookbook.
Since, it depends on https://github.com/priestjim/chef-php, I have that as well.
But the one thing I'm running into is that the phpmyadmin requires at least mysql and mcrypt extensions.
Looking at the https://github.com/priestjim/chef-php/blob/master/README.md, I tried:
node['phpmyadmin']['version'] = '3.5.6'
include_recipe "php::fpm"
include_recipe "php::module_mysql"
include_recipe "php::module_mcrypt"
include_recipe "phpmyadmin"
# install the mysql pecl
php_pear "mysql" do
action :install
php_pear "mcrypt" do
action :install
phpmyadmin_db 'Test DB' do
host node['mysql']['bind_address']
port node['mysql']['port']
username 'root'
password app['mysql_root_password'][node.chef_environment]
hide_dbs %w{ information_schema mysql phpmyadmin performance_schema }
prefix = "phpmyadmin"
server_name = "#{prefix}.#{app['domain'][node.chef_environment]}"
nginx_config_path = "#{node['nginx']['dir']}/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf"
template nginx_config_path do
source "nginx_vhost.conf.erb"
mode "0644"
:server_name => server_name,
:docroot => node['phpmyadmin']['home'],
:socket => node['phpmyadmin']['socket']
notifies :reload, "service[nginx]"
nginx_site "phpmyadmin" do
config_path nginx_config_path
action :enable
service "php5-fpm" do
action :restart
But the chef-client run errors out with:
Error executing action `install` on resource 'php_pear[mysql]'
No such file or directory - pear -d preferred_state=stable search mysql
Cookbook Trace:
/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/php/providers/pear.rb:243:in `pecl?'
/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/php/providers/pear.rb:99:in `load_current_resource'
Resource Declaration:
# In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/phpmyadmin_nginx/recipes/default.rb
17: php_pear "mysql" do
18: action :install
19: end
20: php_pear "mcrypt" do
Here is the backtrace https://gist.github.com/4681229
Am I using the php cookbook wrong way?
- [chef] phpmyadmin chef-php pear mysql fail, Sachin Sagar Rai, 01/31/2013
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