I'm seeking help from those of you who have more Windows-fu than I.
I need to install some software from a Windows share.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to specify username and password in a UNC path and give that to either the windows_service or remote_file resource. Or is there?
execute "mount share #{drive}" do
command "net use #{drive}: #{path} /user:#{username} #{password} /persistent:No"
windows_package "Symantec Anti-Virus" do
source "#{drive}:\\#{node['symantec-antivirus']['installer']['arch_file']}"
options "/qn ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
action :install
execute "unmount share #{drive}" do
command "net use /d #{drive}:"
This sucks in many ways (deciding which drive letter to use is tricky, any failure will leave mapped drives around, …).
Worse, it doesn't work when chef-client is run a service!
STDERR: System error 1312 has occurred.
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
Googling about this stuff, it seems there is a way around this error by using a PSEXEC.EXE, but I would rather avoid that is possible.