2. When I do "knife node run_list add some_node some_role"
a recipe with name "some_role" is added to run list, not
node, what do I need to add role and not recipe?
3. After doing previous step command "knife node run_list
remove some_node some_role" doesn't remove newly added
recipe with name "some_role", is this expected?
4. After changing manually roles on certain nodes from
"old_role" to "new_role" I see via "knife search node
"platform_version:10.04" that run list is ok, but roles
still mention "old_role", why is this so?
did you run chef-client on those nodes after you
manually updated the runlist? roles and recipes will be
updated after a successful convergence
I'm using latest chef server (11.06) and knife 10.18.0