[chef] Why will knife ec2 not work?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: David Montgomery < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [chef] Why will knife ec2 not work?
  • Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 11:52:51 +0800

Despite installing gem install knife-ec2 I cannot use knife with chef 11.

How does one get knife ec2 to work on ubuntu 12.04?

knife ec2 server create -r "role[monitor_server]" -N aws-monitor_server-sydney-development-1 --region ap-southeast-2 -Z ap-southeast-2b -I ami-e2ba2cd8 --flavor m1.small -G monitor -x ubuntu -E development -S aws_development_sydney -i  /home/ubuntu/.ec2/aws_development_sydney.pem
FATAL: Cannot find sub command for: 'ec2 server create -r role[monitor_server] -N aws-monitor_server-sydney-development-1 --region ap-southeast-2 -Z ap-southeast-2b -I ami-e2ba2cd8 --flavor m1.small -G monitor -x ubuntu -E development -S aws_development_sydney -i /home/ubuntu/.ec2/aws_development.pem'
The ec2 commands were moved to plugins in Chef 0.10
You can install the plugin with `(sudo) gem install knife-ec2


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