Subject: [chef] Gem packages fail on 11x on first run
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 19:14:01 +0800
I have a recipe that is the last on my run list. I get the below error. The recipe is install first. If I remove the recipe from the run list then after a first boot the recipe is installed. of now I have to do two runs which makes no sense. Without out the recipe and after first boot then with the recipe. What is soooo special about installing gem files? Why do that have to be installed first? The same issues is with installing ec2-knife as well.
In the first recipe in the run list I have package "build-essential" do action :install end
Its also in the recipe in question.
It fails with this error.
gem_package "knife-ec2" do action :nothing end.run_action(:install)
gem_package "riemann-dash" do action :nothing end.run_action(:install)