[chef] Re: Re: RE: knife data bag from file with --all

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Brian Akins < >
  • To: chef < >
  • Subject: [chef] Re: Re: RE: knife data bag from file with --all
  • Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 09:11:55 -0400

FWIW, I wrote a simple thor job to do this. Th guts of it look something like this:

Chef::Config.from_file( < path to knife.rb >)
Dir.glob('./data_bags/*').select{|d| File.directory? d}.each do |data_bag_dir|
  bag = File.basename data_bag_dir
   rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e
     raise e unless e.response.code == "404"
     dbag = Chef::DataBag.new

   from_file = Chef::Knife::DataBagFromFile.new
   from_file.name_args = [ bag, data_bag_dir]

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:44 PM, Christopher Kampmeier < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
Yes, using *.json works.  Thanks for the tip.

I suppose I'll need to dig into the --all support in the source to get a better feel for whether it is supposed to work before filing a bug.


On 3/27/13 8:52 AM, Matt Ray wrote:
Doesn't "knife data bag from file [bag_name] *.json" work?

Matt Ray
Senior Technical Evangelist :: Opscode
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From: " target="_blank"> [ " target="_blank"> ]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:46 PM
To: " target="_blank">
Subject: [chef] knife data bag from file with --all

I am trying to get the --all option to work:

knife data bag from file [bag_name] --all # all data bag items assuming that
data bags are in the ./data_bags/

Although I successfully used create to first define a data bag on the server
and I can use from file with a data bag and an item .json file to upload a
single item, I cannot figure out how to use the --all option to upload all
items for a specified data bag.  When I run it, a blank line is returned and
nothing is uploaded.

Does anyone have a working example of the --all option?

On a related topic, what is the difference inusing knife upload to upload data
bags or other content as compared to using the knife from file options?

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