So you want to completely isolate nodes? just like multiple-tenant of hosted chef?In that case just set up multi chef servers and register nodes to different chef servers.On Apr 29, 2013, at 8:26 PM, liu jiwei < " target="_blank"> > wrote:client could get the information of all environmentswhat i think is,the clinet just can get the information of it shoud to get,if i have 3 envionment: envionment1,environment2,environemen3,node1's environemnt is environment1, this node shoud could just get the information environment1,it could get the information of environent2 and environment3this will not be diffcoult in erchef?how about my thoughts?2013/4/29 Tetsu Soh < " target="_blank"> >
Hello,maybe you can achieve what you want by:1. using environment to group your nodes, or2. setting tags to your nodes and searching nodes by tags, or3. using data bag to define your groupingTetsuOn Apr 29, 2013, at 9:59 AM, liu jiwei < " target="_blank"> > wrote:is there any way to separate the nodes like private chef separate nodes by organizations?2013/4/28 liu jiwei < " target="_blank"> >
Hi:i use erchef to manage server,but the client could use client.pem tu get information of other nodes and all environments,cookbook?is there anyone could help me?
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