We resolved a similar problem with our Splunk implementation.
The problem: File churn caused by Chef and Splunk
1) Chef creates authentication.conf from a template which includes and unencrypted bindDNpassword.
2) Splunk takes the contents for authentication.conf and encrypts the bindDNpassword.
3) Chef runs, and creates authentication.conf with an unencrypted bindDNpassword.
4) Repeat from step 2.
This happened every time chef-client ran.
Our solution:
Create a template (authentication.conf.erb) on the chef server that creates a local template (authentication.conf.erb on the node).
The local template on the node creates authentication.conf.
Authentication.conf only changes if the local template on the node or the bindDNpassword changes.
1) Create a 0 byte local template file (just a place holder):
file "/etc/system/local/authentication.conf.erb" do
action :create_if_missing
2) Use a template resource to create the authentication.conf from the LOCAL template authentication.conf.erb (created in step 3):
NOTE: action: nothing
NOTE: local true
template "/etc/system/local/authentication.conf" do
source "/etc/system/local/authentication.conf.erb" # On the local node
local true
notifies :restart, resources(:service => "splunk") # Splunk encrypts the bindDNpassword
action :nothing
3) Create the LOCAL authentication.conf.erb template and use notifies to create authentication.conf defined (in step 2 above) with the unencrypted bindDNpassword:
NOTE: notifies: create, resource(:template …..), :immediately
template "/etc/system/local/authentication.conf.erb" do # On the local node
source "server/authentication.conf.erb" # On the Chef server
notifies :create, resources(:template => "/etc/system/local/authentication.conf"), :immediately
4) Cookbook TEMPLATE config (CRITICAL) on the chef server:
NOTE: the double percent sign: bindDNpassword = <%%= @ldap_bind_dn_passwd %>
This is critical for creating a local template with a variable.
bindDNpassword = <%%= @ldap_bind_dn_passwd %>
The result:
1) A local template on the node with the bindDNpassword variable:
bindDNpassword = <%= @ldap_bind_dn_passwd %>
2) The actual authentication.conf file changes ONLY if the LOCAL template changes authentication.conf.erb with an unencrypted bindDNpassword:
bindDNpassword = UNENCRYPTEDPASSWORD # Put in place by Chef
3) Splunk reads authentication.conf and encrypts the bindDNpassword:
bindDNpassword = ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD # Encrypted by Splunk
I know this is clear as mud, but I hope it helps.
Bruce Davis
From: Mike <
Reply-To: " "> " < "> > Date: Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:46 PM To: " "> " < "> > Subject: [chef] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Place file only once per version I guess I'm not understanding what a "unique version" of a file is.
If I modify file 'foo', and put it in my cookbook, then the checksum will differ from the in-place file on the target node, and be placed on disk with `action :create`.
If I then modify the file on disk, then I've changed the checksum locally, and Chef will clobber my change.
You may want to adopt a flow where you on-server modifications (which is an interesting use-case, please elaborate) are done to a copy of your Chef-goverend file.
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Damien Roche
" target="_blank">
> wrote:
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