I'm guessing the answer is no because that is what I am experiencing, but I am trying to do this:
config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "bootstrap.sh"
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = ["cookbooks"]
chef.roles_path = "roles"
chef.add_role "base"
chef.add_role "webserver"
I am using a bootstrap script for simple thing like:
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y wget build-essential
sudo apt-get install -y htop tree
sudo apt-get install -y apache2-utils sysstat
But it seems the cookbooks part isn't running, actually when I do run this using:
vagrant up
By the end of it, my screen has what looks like chinese script on it and I have to close and open a new terminal.
Anyhow, just wondering if you guys run a bootstrap type script before chef in your vagrant testing etc.