- From:
- To: chef <
- Subject: [chef] NoMethodError for LWRP within a ruby_block?
- Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 19:06:58 +0000
How do I make an LWRP that I created available in a recipe within a
It's not working for me.
[2013-12-04T00:13:14+00:00] DEBUG: Re-raising exception: NoMethodError -
ruby_block[do stuff] (cloner::grants line 30) had an error: NoMethodError:
undefined method `cloner_db_svc_mysqlacl' for Chef::Resource::RubyBlock
/var/cache/chef/cookbooks/cloner/recipes/grants.rb:67:in `block (2 levels)
in from_file'
`block in action_run'
Afaict, the recipe code needs to execute during the convergence phase of the
chef-client run. In my case, the code needs to (1) first start mysql, (2) wait
for mysql to complete its startup (wait for innodb recovery to complete) and
then query a value from a table. (4) And then do another action depending on
value returned.
I tried doing the above outside a ruby_block my first time through, then
realized #3 was executing before #2 had completed. IOW #3 was executing at the
compile phase. So now I'm trying to put all of this into a ruby_block, but the
call to my LWRP is failing. (Is using a ruby_block for this the right answer?)
The LWRP lives in 'cloner-db-svc' cookbook. The cookbook::recipe that calls it
is 'cloner::grants'. The cloner cookbook depends on cloner-db-svc. When the
runs outside of a ruby_block, the recipe finds the LWRP method just fine, but
the behavior I need doesn't occur.
::Chef::Recipe.send(:include, ::Cloner::Chef::DbSvc::Helper)
ruby_block "do stuff" do
block do
quux_ip = search(:node, 'roles:quux').map {|server| server['ipaddress']
cli_password = ::Cloner::Chef::DbSvc::Helper.fetchsecret( "secrets",
"#{node['cloner']['environment']}", "rootpass" )
current_ip = %x( mysql --skip-column-names -hlocalhost -uroot
-p#{cli_password} -e \"SELECT Host FROM mysql.user WHERE
User='cloner_admin'\" )
if current_ip.empty?
Chef::Log.debug("HIGGS-BOSON: current_ip is empty, applying grants.")
cloner_admin_pass = ::Cloner::Chef::DbSvc::Helper.fetchsecret(
"secrets", "#{node['cloner']['environment']}", "cloner_admin_pass" )
cloner_proc_pass = ::Cloner::Chef::DbSvc::Helper.fetchsecret(
"secrets", "#{node['cloner']['environment']}", "cloner_proc_pass" )
cloner_db_svc_mysqlacl "mysqlgrants" do
action :create_acl
ipv4_address quux_ip
cli_password cli_password
cloner_admin_pass cloner_admin_pass
cloner_proc_pass cloner_proc_pass
current_ip = %x( mysql --skip-column-names -hlocalhost -uroot
-p#{cli_password} -e \"SELECT Host FROM mysql.user WHERE
User='cloner_admin'\" )
Chef::Log.debug("HIGGS-BOSON: After applying mysqlgrants, quux_ip
#{quux_ip}; current_ip #{current_ip}")
else # snipped for brevity
action :create
- [chef] NoMethodError for LWRP within a ruby_block?, kallen, 12/04/2013
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