Ohai! Chefs!
Having issues with the attribute while developing wrapper cookbook to deploy the app cookbook.
Following are the 2 cookbooks to explain the problem.
- attributes
default['asm']['user'] = "vagrant"
- recipes
- default.rb
user node['asm']['user'] do
password node['asm']['password']
home "/home/#{node['asm']['user']}"
- recipes
- default.rb
include_recipe "app-cookbook::default"
node.set['asm']['user'] = 'otheruser'
When I run the `app-wrapper-cookbook`, the attribute set in wrapper cookbook `node.set['asm']['user'] = 'otheruser'` doesn't take effect.
Instead it reads the value `vagrant`.
It should have been `otheruser` ?
How to solve this attribute precedence while building the wrapper cookbook ?
~Sachin Sagar Rai
Ruby on Rails Developer