Ohai,I got problems with symlink_before_migrate part - it is connected with deploying ruby applications on a server from GitHub repository.
So, below is the snippet of code I am using
deploy "application_name" do
repo application['git']['repository']
branch application['git']['branch']
user "ruby"
group "ruby"
deploy_to application['approot']
action :deploy
ssh_wrapper "#{application['approot']}/wrap-ssh4git.sh"
"config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml",
"config/something_else.yml" => "config/something_else.yml"
})I get perfectly nice symlink in "current/config" directory, database.yml points to it's double created in "shared/config"What bothers me and I can't figure it out why o why is database under current/config empty? It is full under /shared/config and that's just because I have filled it before deployment with embedded ruby template. Since deployment does symlinking with current/config directory file should be full in apps root directory and it is not.
Could you please enlighten me what am I doing wrong. Everytime I get symlink looking like example below I know it is going to be empty on one side.database.yml -> /path/to/application_name/shared/config/database.yml
symlink should look like:database.yml -> /path/to/application_name/shared/config/database.yml
Or am I wrong? I really don't understand what part with symlink_before_migrate did I fail so I get file empty on one side and full on the other side
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