[chef] Re: Re: Re: Re: Scaling erchef horizontally

Chronological Thread 
  • From: DV < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [chef] Re: Re: Re: Re: Scaling erchef horizontally
  • Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 12:07:32 -0700

Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain how the message routing works. In case we do see an inconsistency in Solr index, would running "chef-server-ctl reindex" help? If so, would running this command on a daily or weekly basis be a "better than nothing" measure to guard against this?

Our setup is probably not active enough for this issue to have a chance at affecting anything (or else we haven't noticed yet). While we have just about everything managed with Chef, we're at the point where we don't see a high volume of changes being made.

As far as why we've gone with multiple Web UI / API hosts - it's a habit of splitting critical applications across independent hardware. We could most definitely keep just one of the Web UI / API hosts running, while the rest shut down (this was our Chef 10 setup).

We plan on further improving HA by provisioning a set of hosts in AWS and perhaps in a different datacenter. After all, when there's a large outage, Chef is one of the first thing we'd want to be available.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 7:29 AM, Stephen Delano < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
Hi Dmitriy,

Let me explain the "stored on the chef server" part in a bit more detail. When a CREATE or UPDATE request arrives at the chef server, the following happens:

* the data is stored in PostgreSQL
* the data it sent to RabbitMQ to be asynchronously indexed
* a successful response is sent to the client

Asynchronously, chef-expander is pulling objects off the RabbitMQ queue IN THE ORDER WHICH THEY WERE SAVED. We've taken great care to make chef-expander run in parallel and preserve the save order of items that arrive on the queue. Note: parallel is not necessarily "scaled across multiple nodes".

If you have multiple RabbitMQ / chef-expander stacks, you introduce the potential for the following type of data race:

t0. update request for databag_item DBI1 on erchef0
t1. update request for databag_item BDI1 on erchef1 (slightly different data, last save "wins")
t2. erchef0 commits DBI1 to PostgreSQL
t3. erchef1 commits DBI1 to PostgreSQL
t4. erchef0 sends BDI1 to RabbitMQ0
t5. erchef1 sends DBI1 to RabbitMQ1
t6. chef-expander1 indexes DBI1 async
t7. chef-expander0 indexes DBI1 async

Note the ordering of t6 and t7. Once things are sent off into different async queues, there is no guarantee that they will be indexed in the order on which they were sent to the RabbitMQ queue.

It's also worth noting that even with a single RabbitMQ / chef-expander stack you can still theorize a data race where the ordering of commits to database differs from the ordering of commits to RabbitMQ. It's worth keeping in mind that the chances of this contention occurring in the RabbitMQ / chef-expander side of the transaction are much greater because of the relative speed of the indexing operations. In a large Chef infrastructure, Solr will spend a lot of time blocking update requests to the index while it commits. The more time an item spends on the queue, the higher the chance there is that something can get indexed out of order if you're not careful.

You mentioned that you've been running fine with this setup for some time, and I believe it. I've concocted quite a scenario above, and even conceded that a single RabbitMQ / chef-expander is not guaranteed to prevent out-of-order indexing. Historically, this was REAL problem with the Chef Server. Older versions of the chef-client saved the node at the beginning of the run without all of the attributes fully realized, and once again saved the node at the end of the run. If the initial save of the client data was the one that "won" the data race, in many cases you'd end up having searches that failed because of attributes that you depended on not being indexed. It was even worse when a chef-client run issued 3 saves, or a recipe triggered a save.

If you find that a single RabbitMQ / chef-expander stack is not meeting your needs for some reason, we should work together to improve the horizontal scalability of the chef-expander.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:11 PM, DV < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
Hmm, Stephen, when you say "indexable objects are stored on chef server", you mean there's a call that comes in to the API (say, create new node) that goes to erchef, which goes to chef-expander and rabbitmq? In that case, one chef-expander and rabbitmq per erchef are appropriate, it seems, as long as each erchef talks to its own chef-expander and rabbitmq.

Here's how we've set up Chef 11 at my company: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q41172dtrth4yw5/chef11_layout.png

The Web UI / API hosts have [chef-expander chef-server-webui erchef rabbitmq nginx], Postgres/Bookshelf/Solr hosts are dedicated to their role. Everything is set up with chef-server cookbook and custom roles, except Postgres (since chef-server cookbook doesn't allow master/slave config). Bookshelf is replicated on filesystem level (slave is read-only until replication is broken).

We've ran this for a few months and haven't seen any issues yet.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Stephen Delano < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
There should be some more crash logs from the console telling you what's going on with erchef, but you're also going to have some other issues with the setup you've described. If you're running enough erchef servers, you might want to check that you're not exceeding the available connections of the PostgreSQL server.

Multiple Bookshelfs:
Bookshelf was not designed to be run on multiple nodes. It has local disk-based storage for the contents of your cookbooks.

Multiple Chef Expanders / RabbitMQ / Solr:
You also don't want to run multiple search stacks. When indexable objects are stored on the chef server, their contents are shuffled off to a RabbitMQ queue for which there is a chef-expander listener that's ready to consume that data, "expand" it, and send it to Solr for indexing. First, if you have multiple expanders as consumers to the rabbit queue, you're introducing the chance that the data is indexed out-of-order. This problem is exacerbated when you start to add multiple RabbitMQs (which erchef talk to which queues) and multiple Solrs (which erchefs and expanders talk to which Solr).

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Darío Ezequiel Nievas < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
Hi Guys,
I'm having a bit of a problem trying to scale erchef between several nodes

First, let me give you guys an overview of my environment
-2 (there will be more) servers behind a load balancer, running the following services:

-2 servers behind a load balancer, runing these services:

-a Postgresql cluster (using pgpool) for the chefdb

Now, the problem

I can't seem to have erchef listening on port 8000 on both servers at the same time. When erchef starts on one of the servers, it starts crashing on the other one

=CRASH REPORT==== 24-Apr-2014::12:35:15 ===
    initial call: sqerl_client:init/1
    pid: <0.131.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: {stop,timeout}
      in function  gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 320)
    ancestors: [<0.112.0>,pooler_pool_sup,pooler_sup,sqerl_sup,<0.107.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [<0.112.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 4181
    stack_size: 24
    reductions: 22425

=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Apr-2014::12:35:15 ===
     Supervisor: {<0.112.0>,pooler_pooled_worker_sup}
     Context:    child_terminated
     Reason:     {stop,timeout}
     Offender:   [{pid,<0.131.0>},

-If I stop erchef on node 1, the crash reports stop, and erchef starts listening on node2:8000
-Then, If I try to start erchef on node1, It won't work, unless I stop it on node2

Is there a way to avoid this, in order to be able to scale as many erchef instances as needed?

Thanks in advance!

Dario Nievas (Snowie)
MercadoLibre Cloud Services
Arias 3751, Piso 7 (C1430CRG)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina
Cel: +549(11) 11-6370-6406
Tel : +54(11) 4640-8443

Stephen Delano
Software Development Engineer
Opscode, Inc.
1008 Western Avenue
Suite 601
Seattle, WA 98104

Best regards, Dmitriy V.

Stephen Delano
Software Development Engineer
Opscode, Inc.
1008 Western Avenue
Suite 601
Seattle, WA 98104

Best regards, Dmitriy V.

  • [chef] Re: Re: Re: Re: Scaling erchef horizontally, DV, 05/02/2014

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