Signed headers are verified server-side by assembling the expected unencrypted header from the other headers the client sent, decrypting the signed header sent by the client, and comparing the expected header with the decrypted header sent by the client. If the results match, it's verified. Remember that the headers are encrypted with the client's *private* key, and decrypted with the *public* key.What are you trying to do exactly, though? From my understanding clients don't ever need to verify the signed headers, only properly assemble and encrypt them.-jOn Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 9:53 PM, DV < > wrote:Thanks for this - I've actually also found one more example of how to sign headers (which is also something I need to do), together it'll be useful to figuring it out. But haven't found any examples of verifying signed headers (HTTPAuthenticationRequest) yet..On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Seth Vargo < > wrote:,SethHey all,I'm having a hard time writing a seemingly simple block of code to verify a Chef API request using mixlib-authentication gem ( looked at the sample in spec/mixlib/authentication/http_authentication_request_spec.rb, and came up with the following, but somehow I get an exception.Can anyone point me to a sample code or give any pointers? Much appreciated.46 @p = Http::Parser.new47 @p. do |h|48 p [:on_headers_complete, h]49 request =, :method, :path)50 @request =, "GET", '/roles')51 p [:request, @request]52 @m = if @m.user_id() == "TheOne"54 conn.relay_to_servers @buffer55 @buffer.clear56 else57 conn.send_data "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n"58 end59 endAnd the output:[[:connection,"GET /roles HTTP/1.1\r\nX-Ops-Timestamp: 2014-05-30T23:10:50Z\r\nX-Remote-Request-Id: 8fbe67a4-35bc-4ee9-985e-5f1bf243175e\r\nX-Ops-Authorization-6: dZUoWOdG7LVAxZUKoNLFRHFAWCansQKhCPnuwLOy4g==\r\nX-Ops-Authorization-5: RBAEk3dzqBA5DiGFKoIg6Md5tKhtOtlLUn1wpDgjsqTmNRaOtICw+I1ywvHd\r\nX-Ops-Authorization-4: 1DGUtojK/UpD3ynTaQ3jMvDzV3dRDEXqLfiYbX6rgvoItjkjr+eW8Ihgmvmm\r\nX-Ops-Authorization-3: rmPxz4JQxYCur4sZSHDfqK4JHBD7PgCgimPdwiXdGnoeAafc+c3VorBW49/s\r\nX-Ops-Authorization-2: KipV+P2K5DFku5tnspDAZEo0Tr/rF9W5mA8gfF8P0sD3blIoH8w5+XQAZ+cQ\r\nX-Ops-Authorization-1: RW3GO1FBBhlc1Wpr99XMy+TUIjIOF9WRM46dmpOFxgM3anJuq0RlDxxtT6T5\r\nX-Chef-Version: 11.12.2\r\nX-Ops-Content-Hash: 2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=\r\nConnection: close\r\nX-Ops-Sign: algorithm=sha1;version=1.0;\r\nAccept: application/json\r\nX-Ops-Userid: XXX\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3\r\nUser-Agent: Chef Knife/11.12.2 (ruby-1.8.7-p352; ohai-7.0.2; x86_64-linux; +\r\nHost: chef11-proxy-1:8080\r\n\r\n"]][:on_headers_complete, {"X-Ops-Timestamp"=>"2014-05-30T23:10:50Z", "X-Remote-Request-Id"=>"8fbe67a4-35bc-4ee9-985e-5f1bf243175e", "X-Ops-Authorization-6"=>"dZUoWOdG7LVAxZUKoNLFRHFAWCansQKhCPnuwLOy4g==", "X-Ops-Authorization-5"=>"RBAEk3dzqBA5DiGFKoIg6Md5tKhtOtlLUn1wpDg
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