Maybe I am getting this wrong but the cookbook_file statement should notify the unzip task right?
Also you should create the dest_dir to make sure the unzip does not fail when it is notified.
VinaLe 12 nov. 2014 17:12, Christopher Hahn < " target="_blank"> > a écrit :Too new to complain. :0)...but I have no only_if guard in place?...keeps skipping the extraction of the zipfile:Hello,This small recipe:
include_recipe 'nodejs'
service_name = node[:prod][:service]
dest_dir = "/opt/#{service_name}"
cookbook_file "PROD" do
source "prod.zip"
mode "0644"
path "/tmp/prod.zip"
directory dest_dir do
owner 'root'
group 'root'
mode "0755"
recursive true
action :create
execute "extract from ZIP" do
cwd dest_dir
command "unzip prod.zip"
action :run
#notifies :run, "execute[start]", :immediately
[2014-11-12T10:55:18-05:00] INFO: Processing cookbook_file[PROD] action create (prod::default line 15)
[2014-11-12T10:55:19-05:00] INFO: Processing directory[/opt/prod] action create (prod::default line 21)
[2014-11-12T10:55:19-05:00] INFO: Processing execute[extract from ZIP] action run (prod::default line 29)
[2014-11-12T10:55:19-05:00] DEBUG: Skipping execute[extract from ZIP] due to only_if ruby block
[2014-11-12T10:55:19-05:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 20.776709674 seconds
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