Le 2014-11-19 14:54, kritivagop01 . a écrit :
hi,i have open source chef server,client and workstation,If i upload cookbook and add it to a role and update that to node.In client with chef-client -f -o 'role[name]' is trying to install the application.With chef-client command,it is not able to detect new roleIs there any way for the chef-client to install the new application for the role created in server without mentioning new role name?thanks,Sounds like you didn't add the role to the node runlist. (unsure what you did when you say 'update that to node')
With -o you specify a one time runlist and it works.
You may:
1) use -r instead of -o to specify a permanent runlist to be updated at the end of the chef-client run.
2) use knife to edit the noed runlist (knife node run_list add <node> 'role[name]'
3) use the web interface to update node runlist.
For knife syntax (2) see https://docs.getchef.com/knife_node.html#run-list-add
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