Hi,You can find the cookbooks used by a node's run list by doing a search.All good as long as you use all cookbooks into the run list or you have a role.I'm referring to something like thisrun_list ["wrap_cookbook"]And into wrap_cookbook::default you could have something likeinclude_recipe "cookbook_one"include_recipe "cookbook_two"So what I want is to search on the chef server and see what nodes use cookbook_one.thanks!-silviuOn Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Tensibai Zhaoying < " target="_blank"> > wrote:The best idea coming to my head is doing a comparison between runlist and expanded runlist, but it involves handling roles...
Unsure of what you mean with chef search, if it's to filter nodes having a recipe by includes that's ok but if it's to know which recipe is included that's harder, knife-audit is a good candidate for the last option.
All in all, can you give a use case for cleaner answer ?
Le 22 janv. 2015 20:10, sd < " target="_blank"> > a écrit :Hi,Not sure if this is available in the latest version but is possible to see the cookbooksincluded from other cookbooks by doing a chef search ?thanks!-silviu
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