Thanks, I have already read this thread, so maybe I lost something I read it again...Ok, I got that uploading metadata.rb is wrong, because contain code that could certainly create a security issues and/or external dependency to be satisfied.I have also found this interesting part:However, I think this is a bug that needs to be fixed in Chef. The rest of Chef core is designed to prefer the metadata.rb over the metadata.json (which was a bad design decision IMO), but nonetheless, the internal Chef libraries are designed to fallback to reading the metadata.json when metadata.rb is not present.But when I use stove without the metadata.rb file I receive an error, I seems stove cannot release anything without a metadata.rb file.Which tool should I to use to release a cookbook instead of stove? Now I'm looking at knife, which seems to be older than stove...--On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:14 AM, David Petzel < " target="_blank"> > wrote:By design, stove strips the file out before upload, refer to for much more detail on the matter.On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 7:08 PM, Vincenzo D'Amore < " target="_blank"> > wrote:Hi David,Sorry if I answer only now, I have been busy until today.Yes, I used stove to publish the cookbook.But foodcritic warnings, refers to metadata.rb file, how is it possibile if the metadata.rb file is not uploaded?FC031: Cookbook without metadata file: /tmp/cook/e9de15062054dd2bd87383d9/empty/metadata.rb:1FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /tmp/cook/e9de15062054dd2bd87383d9/empty/metadata.rb:1
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