The knife-windows gem is not currently part of ChefDK. Really, most of its functionality should just be part of Chef Client (and thus part of ChefDK) as you imply. To update, just do the following: Gem uninstall knife-windows Gem install knife-windows That should install 0.8.3. That said, it’s not clear to me that changes between 0.8.2 and 0.8.3 will address the problem. To simplify this, can you use the knife-winrm command, i.e.: knife bootstrap windows winrm –m –x ‘administrator’ -P 'password' ipconfig That should fail faster and be a narrower repro. Note that there’s still a nasty bug in knife-windows during bootstrap that is fixed in the pre-release, which you could install with gem install knife-windows --pre. So if we get past the auth part, it may make sense for you to upgrade to the pre-release. Thanks. -Adam From:
] Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 9:33 AM To:
Subject: Re [2]: Re [2]: Can't bootstrap windows node after upgrading to ChefDK v4. (Please help! Windows platform) Hi Adam, PS C:\opscode\chef-repo> Gem list knife-windows So actually after instaling ChefDK 4 I haven't got latest gems version? How should I update everything up to date with all gems etc? Thank you for replying so quickly and your support. Use this command Taras: Gem list knife-windows It will show the version. And actually, 0.8.3 is the official latest (0.8.4 is a pre-release gem). That output still seems abbreviated for –VV, but let’s first see the gem version before digging there. -Adam Hi Adam, Authentication on client side using WinRM is configured for basic auth. Sorry for the silly questions but how to find-out version of knife-windows? Here is the same bootstrap command with -VV at the end: PS C:\opscode\chef-repo> knife bootstrap windows winrm -r "role[eu1],recipe[push-jobs]" -x 'Administrator' -P 'password' -N 'eu1-cstftp-norg' --template-file 'c:\opscode\chef-repo\.chef\bootstrap\windows-chef-client-msi.erb' Waiting for remote response before bootstrap...................ERROR: No response received from remote node after 2.13 m ERROR: RuntimeError: Command execution failed. '-N' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. "-N" - is not recognized... But I always used to use it for naming of adding nodes... :( Thank you in advance for helping me. Taras. Taras, what version of knife-windows are you running? The latest is 0.8.4. Can you also get full logs from your knife-windows bootstrap attempt, e.g. with –VV and share those? Also, how did you configure authentication – are you using Negotiate on the server, or have you configured basic auth? -Adam Hi Chefs, I have upgraded my workstation (windows 2008 platform) from 3.6 to 4.0. And it seem that I have lost possibility to bootstrap nodes (windows platform as well). WinRM on client side is configured fine and I can reach it form workstation as well. have tried it using powershell. For bootstrap I am using command as follow: knife bootstrap windows winrm -r "role[eu1],recipe[push-jobs]" -x 'Administrator' -P 'password' -N 'eu1-cstftp-norg' --template-file 'c:\opscode\chef-repo\.chef\bootstrap\windows-chef-client-msi.erb' Waiting for remote response before bootstrap............... And then time out no response... I tried to install previous ChefDK 3.6 but it seems tha t it doesn't work from newer version to older. chef-client is still the same: c:\opscode\chef-repo>chef-client --version Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Or I should fully delete ChefDK with all folders and set it up from the beginning?