Hi,I have tried to install chef in centos7.1 image,but it fails and shows 404 error,but when i try that url it redirects,no such 404 error found and also i can see etc/chef. I installed in centos 7 platform ,in that platform version it takes 7(i.e., &pv=7),but in centos7.1 it takes as &pv=Derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Following errors posted below:
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop iptables.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit iptables.service not loaded.
echocurl found: command not found
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:18.718860 #22437] INFO -- : Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:18.718928 #22437] INFO -- :
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.185445 #22437] INFO -- :
100 18711 100 18711 0 0 40100 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 40066
100 18711 100 18711 0 0 40091 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 40066
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.189565 #22437] INFO -- : Downloading Chef 11.4.4 for el...
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.189639 #22437] INFO -- : downloading http://opscode.com/chef/metadata?v=11.4.4&prerelease=false&nightlies=false&p=el&pv=Derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7&m=x86_64
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.189710 #22437] INFO -- : to file /tmp/install.sh.979/metadata.txt
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.189779 #22437] INFO -- : trying curl...
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615474 #22437] INFO -- : ERROR 404
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615564 #22437] INFO -- : Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version 11.4.4 on platform el
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615631 #22437] INFO -- :
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615698 #22437] INFO -- : Either this means:
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615764 #22437] INFO -- : - We do not support el
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615830 #22437] INFO -- : - We do not have an artifact for 11.4.4
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615895 #22437] INFO -- :
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.615963 #22437] INFO -- : This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616034 #22437] INFO -- : or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck.
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616100 #22437] INFO -- :
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616171 #22437] INFO -- : You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616239 #22437] INFO -- : release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number).
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616306 #22437] INFO -- :
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616374 #22437] INFO -- : In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616443 #22437] INFO -- : below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616508 #22437] INFO -- : does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget). You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616576 #22437] INFO -- : succesfully.
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616650 #22437] INFO -- :
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616751 #22437] INFO -- : If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616823 #22437] INFO -- : that el is not supported.
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616892 #22437] INFO -- :
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:19.616963 #22437] INFO -- : Metadata URL: http://opscode.com/chef/metadata?v=11.4.4&prerelease=false&nightlies=false&p=el&pv=Derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7&m=x86_64
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:20.681222 #22437] INFO -- : Copying embedded executables to /usr/bin
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:21.723432 #22437] INFO -- : cp: error reading ‘/proc/sysrq-trigger’: Input/output error
I, [2015-07-19T23:57:21.723518 #22437] INFO -- : cp: failed to extend ‘/usr/bin/proc/sysrq-trigger’: Input/output errorThamks®ards,Indra
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