[chef] param[:name] bizarreness when nesting defines

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Charles Duffy < >
  • To: chef-users < >
  • Subject: [chef] param[:name] bizarreness when nesting defines
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 21:58:43 -0600

Okay, y'all, here's an odd one:

I have my local runit recipe patched to configure svlogd-emitted log files as sources for remote logging. The obvious implementation is such:

  logged_file "#{sv_dir_name}/log/main/current" do
    tag "sv-#{params[:name]}"

However, when doing so, the tag gets instantiated as "sv-"

If, however, I do the following:

  sv_name = params[:name]
  logged_file "#{sv_dir_name}/log/main/current" do
    tag "sv-#{sv_name}"

all works properly.


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