[chef] Idioms: role run_list+attributes vs role-specific recipe?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jay Levitt < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [chef] Idioms: role run_list+attributes vs role-specific recipe?
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 13:23:59 -0400

I'm new to Chef, and I realized that as I include cookbooks, sometimes I'm adding the recipe to the role's run_list and using default_attributes to control it, and sometimes I'm adding it to a site-cookbook recipe I've created specifically for the role.  For example...

Directly on the role:

## roles/base.rb

  authorization: {
    sudo: {
      users: ['jlevitt'],
      passwordless: true

In a role-specific recipe:

## roles/base.rb


## cookbooks/plm-roles/recipes/base.rb

include_recipe 'sudo'

sudo "jlevitt" do
  user "jlevitt"
  nopasswd true

Does anyone have a good philosophy or idiomatic advice as to what goes where?  So far, I'm thinking:

- There are some cookbooks that are controlled purely through node/role attributes. I'm not sure it's kosher to set those from my own recipe.
- If it's not kosher, I've now arbitrarily split up cookbooks based on their API. That feels icky.
- OTOH, for cookbooks with LWRPs, I do like the idea of keeping the attributes near the provider call; in the sudo example, I was actually using the run_list+attribute syntax, and when I moved the recipe to a different role, I forgot to move the attributes with it.
- On the gripping hand, the second syntax means that I have not only a run_list per role, but a recipe per role.  That doesn't seem DRY.



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