[chef] Re: Call for Testing: significant changes made to minitest-handler-cookbook

Chronological Thread 
  • From: David Petzel < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [chef] Re: Call for Testing: significant changes made to minitest-handler-cookbook
  • Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 11:02:53 -0400

I gave this a quick run on Windows this AM, using the older path location for tests and support files, and I didn't run into any issues.

What do you think about moving the file path out to an attribute as opposed to deprecating the current location. With deprecation comes the assumption that at some point the existing path will no longer be support. That has the potential for a decent amount of work for folks. I for one would have to incur a decent amount of work to move all our test files.

We've wrapped a simple "cookbook create" task so it creates a skeleton test file in the current location, so we don't suffer placing them in the wrong directory too much, albeit it does still happen at times.

It feels like using an attribute to control this would allow you achieve your goal of flattening the path, while not incurring a lot of work consumers of the cookbook.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 6:19 AM, Bryan Berry < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
Dear Chefs,

I have significantly refactored the minitest-handler-cookbook and
added tests using test-kitchen 1.0 + kitchen-lxc driver.


In this refactoring i have done my done my best to clean up the code
and simplify its use. My changes are backwards compatible so current
use should not break. I wrote parts of the minitest-handler cookbook
before knowing much about existing ruby testing practices. For this
reason the cookbook was unnecessarily complicated.

Old Convention:

place your tests in files/default/tests/minitest/<recipe-name>_test.rb
and support files in files/default/tests/minitest/support/

About 70% of the time I place my tests in the wrong directory and
misname them. My fingers also tire from typing these long paths. For
this reason I have changed the convention.

New Convention:

Place your tests in files/default/<recipe-name>_test.rb and support
files in files/default/
For example, put tests for the default recipe in
files/default/default_test.rb and your helper file in

In the new branch, minitest-handler will still copy files located in
files/default/tests/minitest/ and files/default/tests/minitest/support

I would really prefer to put such tests in   test/ or test/minitest/
but then these files would not be uploaded to chef-server. I have
opened this ticket  http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/CHEF-4044 to
change this but I haven't seen any progress on it yet.

New Feature:

By default, minitest-handler will load all test files for each recipe
loaded during the chef run, whether via the run_list, through a role,
or include_recipe. You can tell minitest-handler to only load tests
for certain recipes using the node[:minitest][:recipes] attribute. If
that attribute is non-empty, minitest-handler will only execute the
tests specified in that list.

Call for Testing:

I have only tested this new branch w/ ubuntu linux. I could really use
testing help to ensure that recipes loaded through a role are tested
and to test this cookbook on Windows.

If I don't hear of any major issues on this branch, I will merge it
into master early next week and push it to community.opscode.com

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