[chef] Re: What to do if community cookbooks not suitable. What are my options?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Josiah Kiehl < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [chef] Re: What to do if community cookbooks not suitable. What are my options?
  • Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 10:33:06 -0700

First I evaluate whether using the community cookbook is close enough to save me effort. If so, I fork the cookbook, make my edits and contribute a patch back to the maintainer. If the maintainer is no longer active, I maintain my fork.  If the cookbook is completely off, I'll start from scratch and write my own cookbook.

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:57 AM, Vladimir Skubriev < " target="_blank"> > wrote:
Now I have the following paths:

1. Write you full
2. Write you full based on non suitable community cookbook
3. Using chef-edit

May be are any other ways that I do not know yet?

Thank you.

Best regards,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

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