Look, Berkshelf you use to solve dependencies, Vagrant you use for chef-solo, and Virtualbox is your virtual machines. Then, what I ma proposing it to put all working together.1. This is for testing cookbooks with chef-solo on workstation? Yes
2. To upload defined in Berksfile cookbooks(from working machine or somewhere else but with berks instead of chef-client) in a virtual machine provisioned by vagrant ? Yes
Why not use only vagrant with defined chef cookbooks ?if you use chef-solo you use Vagrant + Virtual Box, if you want to deploy in the cloud you need to configure Vagrant file with other config , but always Berkshelf will be present.--
2013/10/30 Vladimir Skubriev < " target="_blank"> >30.10.2013 17:05, Eduardo Dias пишет:To be honest I can not understand: "What is the role of plugin enabled by `config.berkshelf.enabled = true` ?"
You need to download a box (like ubuntu), create a vagrant file, and vagrant up.
vagrant box add <name> <url> (look at Vagrant to get the corerct url)
Simple Vargrant file:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.hostname = "<server_name>"
config.vm.box = "<box_name>"
config.berkshelf.enabled = true
What is the role of berks in virtual machine created by vagrant, with config defined option `config.berkshelf.enabled = true` ?
1. This is for testing cookbooks with chef-solo on workstation?
2. To upload defined in Berksfile cookbooks(from working machine or somewhere else but with berks instead of chef-client) in a virtualmachine provisioned by vagrant ?
So I used opensource chef-server in our localnetwork. And most of all i'am interested in deploy our and community cookbooks on production virtual machines (lxc).
May be my questions is not good. May be I need some time to read a documentation of berks and vagrant. There is no doubt of course.
Why not use only vagrant with defined chef cookbooks ?
Thank youf or help.
# the lines below is to forward ports
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, host: 8080, guest: 8080
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, host: 8443, guest: 8443
# the line below must be used if you need to sync a local directory with the remote
config.vm.synced_folder "../../", "/repo"
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
# the line below is used if you need a proxy
# config.proxy.http = "http://web-proxy.corp.hp.com:8080/"
# config.proxy.https = "http://web-proxy.corp.hp.com:8080/"
# the chef .son you use to pass attributes that you need to rewrite if you use Vagrant for example.
chef.json = {
chef.run_list = [
vagrant ssh --> to connect to the provisioned system
The vagrant up, destroy, reload, ssh must be ran at the same directory that you have Vagrant file
Best regards,
CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev
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