In our workflow we using lxc containers to run service that setuped
by chef-client
How I can automate deploys without vagrant?
Bash scripting, ruby scripting or manual?
Manual: lxc-create, lxc-start, ssh, some preparations, install chef,
bootstrap, run chef-client, enable auto run container
I already has a some simple script to automate this. But I think
this is a wrong way, because Vagrant exists.
Vagrant has lxc plugin, but then vagrant must be installed and run
on that host server. (Is I'm right?)
Is this a good work flow (vagrant installed in home of serveradmin
user) ?
I suppose this use case:
1. I has a application cookbook with true Vagrantfile for using with
2. I will create a cookbook to run on host server to install
3. I will clone needed application repos to srvadm home's
4. cd to application repo root and run vagrant up
What's next?
Where information will be stored on this machine?
How I can understand vagrant will creating container and then star
Where vagrant is store information about running machines and how it
corresponds to my work flow ?
If I want to remove it, I'll command 'vagrant destroy' and container
will be deleted.
Suppose I has a different one application coobook named application2
(I suppose that I will use only container for one application
I must cd to another application repo root dir and command `vagrant
up` ?
And what will happen to the last virtual machine? It's continue to
work ?
Anybody uses vagrant for production in this use case ?
What additional settings in Vagrantfile you are using when setting
up a production servers (Not necessarily lxc, of course). Maybe
setup ssh keys, which is storing in the same git application repo?
Which additional setting can be stored in application cookbook
repository ?
Additional I have a small question about lxc vagrant plugin:
How I can override bridge name, if I want to use plugin installed
with command `
plugin install lxc` instead of cloning source version
and fix this manually ?
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev