Now, the problem-a Postgresql cluster (using pgpool) for the chefdb-rabbitmq-chef-solr-2 servers behind a load balancer, runing these services:-2 (there will be more) servers behind a load balancer, running the following services:First, let me give you guys an overview of my environmentHi Guys,I'm having a bit of a problem trying to scale erchef between several nodes
I can't seem to have erchef listening on port 8000 on both servers at the same time. When erchef starts on one of the servers, it starts crashing on the other one
=CRASH REPORT==== 24-Apr-2014::12:35:15 ===
initial call: sqerl_client:init/1
pid: <0.131.0>
registered_name: []
exception exit: {stop,timeout}
in function gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 320)
ancestors: [<0.112.0>,pooler_pool_sup,pooler_sup,sqerl_sup,<0.107.0>]
messages: []
links: [<0.112.0>]
dictionary: []
trap_exit: false
status: running
heap_size: 4181
stack_size: 24
reductions: 22425
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Apr-2014::12:35:15 ===
Supervisor: {<0.112.0>,pooler_pooled_worker_sup}
Context: child_terminated
Reason: {stop,timeout}
Offender: [{pid,<0.131.0>},
{child_type,worker}]-If I stop erchef on node 1, the crash reports stop, and erchef starts listening on node2:8000-Then, If I try to start erchef on node1, It won't work, unless I stop it on node2
Is there a way to avoid this, in order to be able to scale as many erchef instances as needed?
Thanks in advance!
Dario Nievas (Snowie)
MercadoLibre Cloud Services
Arias 3751, Piso 7 (C1430CRG)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina
Cel: +549(11) 11-6370-6406
Tel : +54(11) 4640-8443
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