[chef] chef-solo apache2 install doesn't enable default site

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Joseph Djomeda < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [chef] chef-solo apache2 install doesn't enable default site
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 12:06:50 +0000

Hello Guys,

I have been doing a full start from scratch all day chef series in order to start the week with team members and eventually using it through opsworks.

I have an intermediate experience with ansible so I kind of have the big picture with configuration management.

I started with a very modest article from gettingstartedwithchef.com I have already managed to get into trouble. I am running this in vagrant with trusty. I have 2 interfaces Nat and hostonly so I can talk to the vagrant box via it own IP.

My recipe/default.rb really has :
include_recipe 'apache2'

apache_site 'default' do
  enable true

What I have noticed is that there is only default-ssl.conf in the sites-available folder and nothing in the sites-enabled folder. As at now I have no idea as to how this happened. I wouldn't want to start rolling out my own virtuahost template because I really want to make sure I follow the steps.

I might switch to another tutorial for the mean time but it will be useful for my own sake to find out what happened and how to debug etc. I will be grateful if anybody and land a hand.

In the meantime any other updated and useful step by step resource on chef is welcome.

Thanks in advance
Best Regards,

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