If you’re talking about the “classic” status page which just lists the last time chef ran (and has the same info as `knife status`), that timestamp comes from ohai as the “ohai_time” attribute, which you can observe during a chef run with `node[“ohai_time”]`. Source: https://github.com/opscode/ohai/blob/master/lib/ohai/plugins/ohai_time.rbExactly thatIf you’re talking about the new reporting data on preview.opscode.com (can also be installed in on-premises Enterprise Chef), that data is collected by the resource reporter: https://github.com/opscode/chef/blob/master/lib/chef/resource_reporter.rb I haven’t personally tried it, but if you want an open source option for reporting what chef has changed on a system, you could try this: https://github.com/theforeman/chef-handler-foremanHTH,--Daniel DeLeoBut, also links on second paragraph are really helpful . One more question. Is it possible to pull off something like that for cookbooks that are on Chef server? So I get their last change and time when change has happened.
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